Frequently asked questions
What frequency band does my phone need to be able to use Tuullik LTE mobile Data?

The Tuullik network uses Band 28. You can check if your phone supports it by visiting GSM Arena and looking up your phone's specifications. Under "network" 4G bands are listed and band 28 must be in the list.

Most modern Phones, including iPhones, support this.

How do I find out if my phone can use electronic sim (Esim)?

Go to GSM Arena and look up your phone's specifications. Under "body-SIM" eSIM is listed. If Esim does not appear here, the phone cannot use Esim.

How do you pay when you buy via the Tuullik portal?

Payment can be made with Visacard or Mastercard.

Can I use Esim for the Tuullik Network?

Yes – Esim is the primary method and the easiest way to connect to the Tuullik Network. You can sit at home and register via the portal tuullik.gl and it works immediately.

Can I use a physical sim for the Tuullik network?

If you do not have the opportunity to use Esim, you can write to tuullik@tuullik.gl and ask for a physical sim. An email will come back with an IMSI number, which must then be used to create the user at the payment portal at tuullik.gl.

When the payment of DKK 98 for the sim and 2 GB Mobile Data has been completed, the sim card is sent or delivered.

Can I use Tuullik LTE mobile data for internet, but keep my existing provider for telephony and SMS?

Yes - new iPhones and Samsung smartphones have both a normal physical SIM card and an Electronic SIM card (Esim).

Create Tuullik as Esim and leave your physical sim sitting in the phone. During the phone's mobile data setup, the Esim card is selected, and the phone now chooses to download mobile data via the Tuullik Network.

Will my purchased mobile data, which I have not used up to the next month, be carried over?

Yes – data is not lost or reset as you know it from other providers. You have half a year to use your purchased data. A top-up of at least 2GB must be carried out every six months. After half a year without topping up, Mobile data stops working until a minimum of 2GB is topped up.

Is money withdrawn every month for Tuullik Mobil data?

No - money is only withdrawn when you choose to top up data via the payment portal www.tuullik.gl

Does the Tuullik Network have total coverage in Nuuk?

No. The Tuullik Network covers Nuuk well, but there are smaller areas and buildings that have weak or no coverage. See the indicative coverage map here.

Does the Tuullik Network cover Nuuk Center?

There is coverage under the skylight windows by the escalators, but there is poor coverage in many of the shops.

Does the Tuullik Network have coverage in Nuuk Brugsen and Queen Ingrid's Hospital?

There is reduced or no coverage in Brugsen and Queen Ingrid's Hospital.

Will the Tuullik Network coverage area be expanded in Nuuk?

The Tuullik Network's coverage area will be continuously expanded in stages.